23  Workshop 2 Answers

# load in the dataset
responses <- read_csv('data/maths/responses.csv')
responses <- responses %>% filter(!is.na(gender))
keys <- read_csv('data/maths/key.csv')
# Create the rules
rules <- keys_to_rules(keys, include_NA_rule = TRUE)
db <- start_new_project(rules, db_name = ":memory:", person_properties=list(gender=""))

# Add item properties
properties <- read_csv('data/maths/properties.csv')
add_item_properties(db, item_properties = properties, default_values = NULL)

add_booklet(db, responses, "maths-workshop") 
#| label: tbl-test
#| tbl-cap: Test statistics
# check the number of items, the persons and the max score
knitr::kable(get_booklets(db), digits = 2)
# get the item scores for later use in other packages
item_scores <- get_resp_matrix(db)
item_scores <- as_tibble(item_scores)
item_scores <- item_scores %>% select(

23.1 Summary item analysis

# produce the item tables
tt = tia_tables(db)
knitr::kable(tt$booklets, digits = 2)
## save the output so you can open it in Excel
write_csv(tt$booklets, file='tables/booklets.csv')
Table 23.1: item summary
booklet_id n_items alpha mean_pvalue mean_rit mean_rir max_booklet_score n_persons
maths-workshop 15 0.73 0.54 0.44 0.32 15 1665

23.2 Item descriptive stats

# get the item descriptive stats
knitr::kable(tt$items, digits = 2)
## save the output so you can open it in Excel
write_csv(tt$items, file='tables/items.csv')
Table 23.2: Item statistics
booklet_id item_id mean_score sd_score max_score pvalue rit rir n_persons
maths-workshop Q1 0.86 0.35 1 0.86 0.44 0.34 1665
maths-workshop Q10 0.03 0.16 1 0.03 -0.05 -0.10 1665
maths-workshop Q11 0.48 0.50 1 0.48 0.63 0.51 1665
maths-workshop Q12 0.57 0.50 1 0.57 0.52 0.39 1665
maths-workshop Q13 0.50 0.50 1 0.50 0.53 0.40 1665
maths-workshop Q14 0.22 0.41 1 0.22 0.31 0.18 1665
maths-workshop Q15 0.54 0.50 1 0.54 0.59 0.47 1665
maths-workshop Q2 0.90 0.30 1 0.90 0.41 0.32 1665
maths-workshop Q3 0.84 0.37 1 0.84 0.48 0.37 1665
maths-workshop Q4 0.30 0.46 1 0.30 0.37 0.23 1665
maths-workshop Q5 0.64 0.48 1 0.64 0.51 0.37 1665
maths-workshop Q6 0.50 0.50 1 0.50 0.40 0.24 1665
maths-workshop Q7 0.64 0.48 1 0.64 0.51 0.38 1665
maths-workshop Q8 0.55 0.50 1 0.55 0.49 0.35 1665
maths-workshop Q9 0.57 0.50 1 0.57 0.47 0.33 1665

23.3 Distractor analysis

# Look at all the distractor plots
n_items <- nrow(keys)
for(i in 1:n_items){
  distractor_plot(db, keys$item_id[i])

The item test correlations in Table 23.2 suggest an issue with item 10. Let’s look at the distractor plot for that item Figure 23.1.

# produce the distractor plots
# Look at distractor plots for all items
# Something is odd about Q10, so let's look at the distractor plot for that item
distractor_plot(db, 'Q10')
Warning: In density.default(bkl_scores$booklet_score, n = 512, weights = bkl_scores$n/N, 
    adjust = adjust, from = 0, to = max(bkl_scores$booklet_score), 
    warnWbw = FALSE) :
 extra argument 'warnWbw' will be disregarded
Warning: In density.default(.$booklet_score, weights = .$n/sum(.$n), n = 512, 
    bw = dAll$bw, from = min(dAll$x), to = max(dAll$x), warnWbw = FALSE) :
 extra argument 'warnWbw' will be disregarded

Warning: In density.default(.$booklet_score, weights = .$n/sum(.$n), n = 512, 
    bw = dAll$bw, from = min(dAll$x), to = max(dAll$x), warnWbw = FALSE) :
 extra argument 'warnWbw' will be disregarded

Warning: In density.default(.$booklet_score, weights = .$n/sum(.$n), n = 512, 
    bw = dAll$bw, from = min(dAll$x), to = max(dAll$x), warnWbw = FALSE) :
 extra argument 'warnWbw' will be disregarded

Warning: In density.default(.$booklet_score, weights = .$n/sum(.$n), n = 512, 
    bw = dAll$bw, from = min(dAll$x), to = max(dAll$x), warnWbw = FALSE) :
 extra argument 'warnWbw' will be disregarded

Warning: In density.default(.$booklet_score, weights = .$n/sum(.$n), n = 512, 
    bw = dAll$bw, from = min(dAll$x), to = max(dAll$x), warnWbw = FALSE) :
 extra argument 'warnWbw' will be disregarded

Warning: In density.default(.$booklet_score, weights = .$n/sum(.$n), n = 512, 
    bw = dAll$bw, from = min(dAll$x), to = max(dAll$x), warnWbw = FALSE) :
 extra argument 'warnWbw' will be disregarded
Figure 23.1: Item 10

23.4 Rasch analysis

# run a traditional Rasch analysis using the item scores produced above
# All the results of the Rasch analysis are stored in the object called "mod1"
mod1 <- TAM::tam.jml(item_scores)
Table 23.3: Item Difficulties
xsi.label xsi.index xsi se.xsi
Q1 1 -2.1712756 0.0789443
Q2 2 -2.6145757 0.0903290
Q3 3 -1.9994327 0.0752989
Q4 4 1.0888622 0.0611206
Q5 5 -0.6919299 0.0588426
Q6 6 0.0268089 0.0566208
Q7 7 -0.6757986 0.0587454
Q8 8 -0.2557563 0.0569897
Q9 9 -0.3165510 0.0571532
Q10 10 4.1437076 0.1610654
Q11 11 0.1405420 0.0566530
Q12 12 -0.3135028 0.0571443
Q13 13 0.0268089 0.0566208
Q14 14 1.5975040 0.0670230
Q15 15 -0.1681469 0.0568066
Table 23.4: Item Difficulties Summary
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
-2.61458 -0.68386 -0.25576 -0.14552  0.08367  4.14371 
Table 23.5: Person Abilities Summary
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
-5.01490 -0.81791 -0.08508  0.00000  1.14240  5.59084 
wrightMap(mod1$theta, mod1$xsi, item.side = itemClassic)
 [1,] -2.17127562
 [2,] -2.61457572
 [3,] -1.99943270
 [4,]  1.08886221
 [5,] -0.69192988
 [6,]  0.02680892
 [7,] -0.67579856
 [8,] -0.25575627
 [9,] -0.31655103
[10,]  4.14370761
[11,]  0.14054200
[12,] -0.31350278
[13,]  0.02680892
[14,]  1.59750398
[15,] -0.16814688
Figure 23.2: Wright Map
plot(mod1,items = c(1:10))
 Plots exported in png format into folder:
Figure 23.3: ICCs for all items
Figure 23.4: ICCs for all items
Figure 23.5: ICCs for all items
Figure 23.6: ICCs for all items
Figure 23.7: ICCs for all items
Figure 23.8: ICCs for all items
Figure 23.9: ICCs for all items
Figure 23.10: ICCs for all items
Figure 23.11: ICCs for all items
Figure 23.12: ICCs for all items
plot(mod1,items = c(10))
 Plots exported in png format into folder:
Figure 23.13: ICC for Q10
fit1 <- tam.jml.fit(mod1,trim_val = NULL)
item_fit <- tibble(fit1$fit.item)
item_fit <- item_fit %>% bind_cols(mod1$item1)
knitr::kable(item_fit, digits = 2)
item outfitItem outfitItem_t infitItem infitItem_t xsi.label xsi.index xsi se.xsi
Q1 0.81 -1.66 0.88 -2.58 Q1 1 -2.17 0.08
Q2 0.70 -2.24 0.86 -2.63 Q2 2 -2.61 0.09
Q3 0.77 -2.26 0.86 -3.51 Q3 3 -2.00 0.08
Q4 1.16 2.11 1.09 3.23 Q4 4 1.09 0.06
Q5 0.92 -1.37 0.98 -0.76 Q5 5 -0.69 0.06
Q6 1.21 3.84 1.14 5.78 Q6 6 0.03 0.06
Q7 0.91 -1.55 0.97 -1.23 Q7 7 -0.68 0.06
Q8 1.00 0.06 1.01 0.44 Q8 8 -0.26 0.06
Q9 1.04 0.75 1.04 1.65 Q9 9 -0.32 0.06
Q10 5.43 6.42 0.95 -0.35 Q10 10 4.14 0.16
Q11 0.74 -5.57 0.81 -8.65 Q11 11 0.14 0.06
Q12 0.91 -1.78 0.97 -1.34 Q12 12 -0.31 0.06
Q13 0.92 -1.55 0.95 -2.31 Q13 13 0.03 0.06
Q14 1.43 3.96 1.06 1.85 Q14 14 1.60 0.07
Q15 0.80 -4.19 0.87 -5.75 Q15 15 -0.17 0.06

Item Fit Statistics

# plot the item infit against the item difficulty
p <- ggplot(item_fit, aes(x=infitItem, y=xsi, size=se.xsi,label=item))
p <- p + geom_point()
p <- p + geom_text(data=item_fit %>% filter(infitItem>1.1),aes(x=infitItem, y=xsi,label=item,size=4),nudge_y=0.15, nudge_x = -0.005)
Figure 23.14: Rasch Bubble Plot
# plot the item outfit against the item difficulty
p <- ggplot(item_fit, aes(x=outfitItem, y=xsi, size=se.xsi,label=item))
p <- p + geom_point()
p <- p + geom_text(data=item_fit %>% filter(outfitItem>1.1),aes(x=outfitItem, y=xsi,label=item,size=4),nudge_y=0.15, nudge_x = -0.005)
Figure 23.15: Rasch Bubble Plot Using Outfit

23.5 DIF

item_scores <- item_scores %>% mutate(gender = responses$gender)
long_responses <- item_scores %>% pivot_longer(cols = Q1:Q15, names_to = "question", values_to = "score")
long_responses <- long_responses %>% mutate(gender = factor(gender))
long_responses <- long_responses %>% mutate(question = factor(question))

response_summary <- long_responses %>% 
  group_by(gender, question) %>%
  summarise(mean_score = mean(score,na.rm=TRUE))
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gender'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
question_difficulty <- response_summary %>%
  filter(gender=='F') %>% 
  arrange(mean_score) %>% pull(question)

ordered_responses <- response_summary %>% mutate(item = factor(question, levels=question_difficulty, ordered=TRUE))
ordered_responses <- ordered_responses %>% mutate(
  gender = factor(gender)

p <- ggplot(ordered_responses, aes(x=item, y=mean_score, group=gender, colour=gender, line_style=gender))
p <- p + geom_line() # rotate the x-axis labels
p <- p + theme_light()
p <- p + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
Figure 23.16: DIF using proportion correct