19  Infit & Outfit

19.1 Model based residuals

While it is most informative to consider each ICC indiviudally, the fit of the predicted ICC to the empirical ICC can be summarised using the residual-based fit statistics. These are the Infit and Outfit statistics.

Read through this article on residual based statistics and then answer the questions below: http://www.edmeasurementsurveys.com/IRT/residual-based-item-fit-statistics.html

  1. If the probability for a person getting an item correct is 0.8 and the person gets it wrong, what is the model residual?

  2. Why do we need to standardise residuals? Consider which items lend themselves to generating the highest residuals.

  3. What is the difference between infit and outfit?

19.2 Obtaining infit and outfit statistics from TAM

rm(list=ls())  #remove all variables in the R environment
library(TAM)  #load the package TAM so we can use the functions in TAM

# load in the dataset
responses <- read_csv('data/responses.csv')
# keep the scores
responses <- responses %>% select(ends_with('score'))
mod1 <- tam.jml(responses,bias=FALSE)
fit1 <- tam.jml.fit(mod1,trim_val = NULL)

item_fit <- tibble(fit1$fit.item)
item_fit <- item_fit %>% bind_cols(mod1$item1)

# plot the item infit against the item difficulty
p <- ggplot(item_fit, aes(x=infitItem, y=xsi, size=se.xsi,label=item))
p <- p + geom_point()
p <- p + geom_text(data=item_fit %>% filter(infitItem>1.1),aes(x=infitItem, y=xsi,label=item,size=4),nudge_y=0.15, nudge_x = -0.005)

19.3 How does the fit of the items reflect the visual differences seen in the ICCs?

The residual-based fit statistics reflect the slope of the ICC:

  • When fit MS is close to 1, the item has average item discrimination of the set of items.

  • When fit MS is lower than 1, the item is more discriminating than the average item discrimination.

  • When fit MS is higher than 1, the item is less discriminating than the average item discrimination.

19.4 Identify an item of each type and plot the ICC using dexter or TAM or both

item outfitItem outfitItem_t infitItem infitItem_t xsi.label xsi.index xsi se.xsi
Q1_score 0.9797235 0.0189696 0.8847164 -1.698166 Q1_score 1 -3.7821492 0.0882013
Q2_score 0.6525936 -1.6708322 0.8770009 -2.235203 Q2_score 2 -3.3864840 0.0764413
Q3_score 0.9838805 -0.2153473 0.9756750 -1.296906 Q3_score 3 -1.0231322 0.0441238
Q4_score 0.8110495 -0.7529440 0.8969344 -1.736044 Q4_score 4 -3.5170835 0.0799253
Q5_score 0.8010940 -1.1346164 0.9250514 -1.701892 Q5_score 5 -2.9166533 0.0653987
Q6_score 0.8319356 -3.8339818 0.8588723 -7.086654 Q6_score 6 0.5379798 0.0445907
Q7_score 1.1635038 2.9172906 0.9261510 -3.022372 Q7_score 7 1.0498226 0.0475477
Q8_score 1.0508241 0.9961172 0.8590920 -6.247703 Q8_score 8 0.8974539 0.0465478
Q9_score 0.7799628 -4.2196883 0.8492577 -9.130254 Q9_score 9 -0.6110642 0.0429607
Q10_score 0.8958307 -1.0189656 0.9061027 -3.723771 Q10_score 10 -1.8274175 0.0495896
Q11_score 0.9065434 -0.7731752 0.9572990 -1.443723 Q11_score 11 -2.1099719 0.0526539
Q12_score 0.8456285 -2.8842673 0.8923705 -6.416305 Q12_score 12 -0.6079783 0.0429789
Q13_score 1.3080644 4.0559114 1.0991629 5.044595 Q13_score 13 -1.0628414 0.0443793
Q14_score 0.9379332 -0.7508216 0.9378989 -2.972885 Q14_score 14 -1.3797714 0.0460026
Q15_score 1.8889519 7.7623556 0.9749421 -0.670220 Q15_score 15 2.1519502 0.0583749
Q16_score 1.1611823 2.7923840 0.9331116 -2.659089 Q16_score 16 1.1233204 0.0480441
Q17_score 1.2597740 4.6460664 1.1694071 9.295411 Q17_score 17 -0.4042228 0.0427812
Q18_score 1.4944567 6.9113090 1.2231038 11.557121 Q18_score 18 -0.8334649 0.0436284
Q19_score 1.2003466 3.0241588 0.8779823 -4.493908 Q19_score 19 1.3899447 0.0502289
Q20_score 1.4679481 7.9330061 1.3083348 16.238924 Q20_score 20 -0.3980148 0.0428142